# Running Tests from the Local System The tests are designed to be run from your local computer. ## System Setup The test environment requires [Python 2.7+](http://www.python.org/downloads) (but not Python 3.x). On Windows, be sure to add the Python directory (`c:\python2x`, by default) to your `%Path%` [Environment Variable](http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm), and read the [Windows Notes](#windows-notes) section below. Install `pip`. On many systems, this can be achieved with the command `python -m ensurepip`. If this is not possible, use your system's package manager to install the `python-pip` package. Next, install `virtualenv` using the following command: ```bash pip install virtualenv ``` To get the tests running, you need to set up the test domains in your [`hosts` file](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_%28file%29%23Location_in_the_file_system). The necessary content can be generated with `./wpt make-hosts-file`; on Windows, you will need to preceed the prior command with `python` or the path to the Python binary (`python wpt make-hosts-file`). For example, on most UNIX-like systems, you can setup the hosts file with: ```bash ./wpt make-hosts-file | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts ``` And on Windows (this must be run in a PowerShell session with Administrator privileges): ```bash python wpt make-hosts-file | Out-File %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts -Encoding ascii -Append ``` If you are behind a proxy, you also need to make sure the domains above are excluded from your proxy lookups. [The Ahem font](../writing-tests/ahem) is used to test precise rendering behavior. This font should be loaded as a web font in tests, using the `/fonts/ahem.css` stylesheet, as follows: ``` ``` ### Windows Notes Generally Windows Subsystem for Linux will provide the smoothest user experience for running web-platform-tests on Windows. The standard Windows shell requires that all `wpt` commands are prefixed by the Python binary i.e. assuming `python` is on your path the server is started using: `python wpt serve` ## Via the browser The test environment can then be started using ./wpt serve This will start HTTP servers on two ports and a websockets server on one port. By default the web servers start on ports 8000 and 8443 and the other ports are randomly-chosen free ports. Tests must be loaded from the *first* HTTP server in the output. To change the ports, create a `config.json` file in the wpt root directory, and add port definitions of your choice e.g.: ``` { "ports": { "http": [1234, "auto"], "https":[5678] } } ``` After your `hosts` file is configured, the servers will be locally accessible at: http://web-platform.test:8000/
https://web-platform.test:8443/ * To use the web-based runner point your browser to: http://web-platform.test:8000/tools/runner/index.html
https://web-platform.test:8443/tools/runner/index.html * This server has all the capabilities of the publicly-deployed version--see [Running the Tests from the Web](from-web). \**See [Trusting Root CA](../tools/certs/README.md)* ## Via the command line Many tests can be automatically executed in a new browser instance using ./wpt run [browsername] [tests] This will automatically load the tests in the chosen browser and extract the test results. For example to run the `dom/historical.html` tests in a local copy of Chrome: ./wpt run chrome dom/historical.html Or to run in a specified copy of Firefox: ./wpt run --binary ~/local/firefox/firefox firefox dom/historical.html For details on the supported products and a large number of other options for customising the test run: ./wpt run --help [A complete listing of the command-line arguments is available here](command-line-arguments). ```eval_rst .. toctree:: :hidden: command-line-arguments ``` Additional browser-specific documentation: ```eval_rst .. toctree:: chrome chrome_android android_webview safari webkitgtk_minibrowser ``` For use in continuous integration systems, and other scenarios where regression tracking is required, the command-line interface supports storing and loading the expected result of each test in a test run. See [Expectations Data](../../tools/wptrunner/docs/expectation) for more information on creating and maintaining these files.