
The following report lists all test completion errors in web-platform-tests (WPT). These are a meta kind of test error, wherein some or all of the tests in a given test file fail to complete running. In this scenario, neither a "pass" or a "fail" are reported, but rather the test itself fails to complete in one or more browsers. Removing these types of failures will make WPT more useful for cross browser standards conformance management.

Preliminary Analysis

The most likely reason for a test file to be in this report is because of a JavaScript error. This can manifest in myriad ways. Here are some helpful starting questions for determining the cause of an incomplete test run in a given test file:

How can you help

  1. Find the offending test file you'd like to tackle in the report below.
  2. Fork the w3c/web-platform-tests repository, and follow the steps for setting-up-the-repo.
  3. Open your selected file in a browser that it is shown to be failing in below.
  4. Figure out why the tests in the file do not run to completion in the relevant browser.
  5. Fix that problem, commit your work in a branch on your fork of WPT, and open a pull request.
  6. Here are some friendly people who you can tag as a reviewer on your pull request to get some extra support:
  7. Tweet at us at @bocoup, to let us know about your contribution so we can high five.