Bocoup - Text Analysis and Visualization - OpenVis Conf 2016

Concepts Covered

Setup Instructions

We will be covering some of the setup during the workshop. If you want to get a head start, checkout the Setup section.

For this workshop you will need:

Schedule Overview

Part 1

Part 2

Sections & Downloads

Download All Notebooks
  1. Environment Setup

      Slides   Notebook  Download

    Get your environment setup for text analysis and visualization.

  2. Introduction to Text Analysis

      Slides  Download

    What do we mean by text analysis.

  3. Introduction to Python

         Notebook  Download

    Learn the basics of the Python programming language so you can use it for text analysis.

  4. Analyzing a Sentence

         Notebook  Download

    We start by taking on a sentence and extracting what we can learn from it.

  5. Analyzing a Single Document

         Notebook  Download

    We move on to look at what fun we can have with a largest piece of text.

  6. Analyzing a Corpus

         Notebook  Download

    Lets look at things we can do with collections of text.

  7. Textkit & Other Tools

      Slides  Download

    If NLTK isn't quite for you, here are some other tools to consider.

  8. Introduction to D3.js

      Slides  Download

    A review of some D3.js features that will be useful in text visualization.

  9. Introduction to P5.js

      Slides  Download

    A review of P5.js for web-based computational drawing.

  10. Text Visualization Example Exploration

      Slides  Download

    A look at visual mappings in visualizations that use text as their primary data source.

  11. Text Visualization Workshop Startup

      Slides  Download

    Let's get to visualizing some text!

Instructor Information


Yannick Assogba

Yannick is an Open Web Engineer at Bocoup. Professionally and academically Yannick leans toward things that combine computation and design, and he's very interested in the social (i.e. inter-human) aspects of technology. Before Bocoup, Yannick worked at the Visual Communication Lab at IBM Research.


Jim Vallandingham

Jim is a developer and data explorer who is excited by the craft of data visualization. He enjoys picking apart interactives to see how they work, and how effective they are at communicating with their intended audience.

About Bocoup

Bocoup is an Open Web technology company by and for programmers. We create new Open Web technologies and help them become viable through consulting, training and community development. We research next generation browser technologies, implement software for clients, run events workshops and training and contribute to numerous open source projects.